Describe the expenditure method of calculating Gross Domestic Prod


For example, expenses made during one’s foreign travel will also be added to consumer spending. Expenditure method of National Income can be considered as the most common way to calculate GDP as it includes both public and private sector expenses incurred within a nation’s borders. However, this system can only be used to calculate nominal GDP, which is not adjusted for inflation. If you seek to know more about methods of national income accounting, you are advised to attend our online classes.

Biscuits are final goods but flour, milk, sugar, salt, fuel, etc. used in making biscuits are intermediate goods. Similarly cloth purchased by the household for the daily use is a final good but acquired by dress makers for making dresses is an intermediate good. Likewise bread when purchased by a household is a final good but purchased by bakery for making pattis is an intermediate good. Chalks purchased by a school is an intermediate product as it is meant to be used completely in the same year. This sector consists of producing units which are engaged in producing services. For example, banks, transport companies, insurance companies, educational and medical institutions, etc.

Instead of calculating these factors separately, the difference is considered as the net export. While calculating national income, the only value of final goods is to be included. The problem of double counting arises when the value of intermediate goods are also included along. National Income of any country means the complete value of the goods and services produced by any country during its financial year. It is thus the consequence of all economic activities that are running in any country during the period of one year.

However, aggregate demand usually considers the average price of all goods and services produced and utilized in an economy. That makes it similar to GDP only in the long run, after adjusting for inflation. Price index is an index number which shows the change in price level between two different time periods. As the sale of second – hand goods are already included at the time when they were originally purchased. However, any brokerage or commission on such goods is included as it is the payment made for productive service. It is calculated as the difference between closing stock and opening stock of the year.

The difference between this value of output and intermediate consumption is termed as ‘value-added’ value added by each producing enterprise is known as the Gross Value Added. When value-added by each and every firm is summed up, we get the value of national income. No National Income is the total value of all services and goods that are produced within a country while Gross Domestic Product is defined as the value of the goods and services generated within a country. Net exports include the goods and services produced by a country, which are exported overseas minus the imports. Furniture purchased by a school is a final product because it is purchased for investment.

Is national income the same as GDP?

Domestic income – Income from domestic product accruing to govt. Sector – Corporate tax – Undistributed profit +NFIA + All type of transfer incomes. It does not show the true picture of the economic growth of a country as any increase in national income may be due to rise in price level without any change in physical output.


National income is the total money value of goods and services produced by a country in a period of time. IV. By deducting depreciation and net indirect taxes from GDP at MP we get NDP at FC. Estimation of net factor income from abroad which is added to NDP at FC to obtain NNP at FC . What are the three methods of measuring national income? Consumer spending includes expenses incurred by individuals residing within the domestic territory, or abroad.

It includes wages, interest, rent, profit, received by factors of production like labour, capital, land and entrepreneurship of a nation. It is the ratio between a country’s real GDP to its population. Simply put, Goods purchased and used up in production process are intermediate goods.

Income Method:

It does not give a true picture of economic growth as the increase is merely due to rise in prices. Free services, by government, government expenditure on street lighting. Now to calculated NDPFC from GDPMP we need to subtract depreciation and Net Indirect Taxes .

  • These goods and services used up or resold during that particular period of time.
  • On dividing the National Income by population, the per capita income can be found out.
  • In national income accounting, the term rent is restricted to land and not to other goods, such as machinery.
  • Where C is the consumption expenditure, G is government expenditure, I is the investment, and NX is the net exports.

GDP growth rate is an important indicator of the economic performance of a country. It tells us exactly whether the economy is growing quicker or slower than the preceding year. Most countries use real GDP to remove the effect of inflation. This method of measuring national income is also known as the factor cost method. This method estimates national income from the distribution side.

They are meant for final use and the final use of a product is only for consumption or investment. Thus they do not undergo any further transformation in the production process nor are resold. In other words, final goods are acquired for own use i.e. by consumers for statifaction of their wants and by producers for capital formation.

Significance of GDP

Actual rent as well as imputed rent (rent of self – occupied factors). Double Counting refers to the counting of output more than once while passing through various stages of production. However, any brokerage or commission earned or paid is to be included while calculation. We need to take some precautions while calculating National Income using the value-added method. The first step is to identify all the producing units into the primary, secondary and tertiary sector. Sum total of all GVAmp of all producing enterprises within the domestic territory of a country during one year is equal to GDPmp.

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It is that part of expenditure method formula theory which deals with the behaviour of national aggregates. It helps to solve the central problem of ‘full employment of resources’ in an economy. Value added method, also called net output method, is used to measure the contribution of an economy’s production units to the GDPmp. In other words, value-added method measures value added by each industry in an economy.

However, if domestic purchases are given ,then imports will also be included . Gross operating surplus is the surplus income generated by a firm minus the payroll to the workforce. Gross mixed income is the GOS earned by sole proprietorships, unincorporated enterprises, farming enterprises, and professionals (doctors, lawyers, CAs, etc.). The GDP is a statistical indicator that defines the economic progress and development of a country. Percentage growth in the GDP during a quarter is considered as the standard of economic growth. It needs to be noted that no good is always final or intermediate because it is the use made of the good which makes it final or intermediate.

The profits are distributed by the production unit under three heads. First is by paying income tax, called corporate profit tax. Factors of production are the inputs that go into producing the final product or service. Thus, the factors of production for a business are – Land, Labour, Capital and Management within the domestic boundaries of a country. GDP is a broad measure of a country’s economic activity, used to estimate the size of an economy and growth rate.

Payment of bus fare by households, examination fees paid by students, payment of telephone bills, etc. Capital Formation like the purchase of machinery by a firm, construction of flyover, bridges, etc. National debt interest or interest paid by households to commercial banks. Capital gains like profit due to increase in the price of land, building, shares, etc. Compulsory Transfer Payments like interest tax, capital gain tax, etc.

Transfer Income – Transfer incomes are not included in National income as such incomes are not productive and there is no value addition. In the final step, we need to add NFIA to domestic income to get National Income. Iii) Retained Earning – Out of total profit a part is distributed among shareholders and a part is retained in business in business, this is kept for future as Retained Earning. It is also known as undistributed profits, Saving of the Private sector and Reserve and Surplus. Ii) Interest paid by consumers as such interest is paid on loans taken for consumption purposes.

Mostly GDP is calculated using both these approaches and calculations are done in such a way that the values from both approaches should come almost equivalent. The calculation of GDP from the above methods gives us the nominal GDP of the country. We will consider the difference between the Nominal and Real GDP in the coming article. I am solving some very important numerical of expenditure method with board examination point of view. If we deduct depreciation from GNP the measure of aggregate income that we obtain is called .

Describe the expenditure method of calculating Gross Domestic Product at Market Price. G represents the sum of government expenditures on final goods and services including salaries, weapons, investments, etc., also known as Government Final Consumption Expenditure . Efiling Income Tax Returns is made easy with ClearTax platform. Just upload your form 16, claim your deductions and get your acknowledgment number online. You can efile income tax return on your income from salary, house property, capital gains, business & profession and income from other sources. Further you can also file TDS returns, generate Form-16, use our Tax Calculator software, claim HRA, check refund status and generate rent receipts for Income Tax Filing.

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Reading the theory of accounts is not similar to reading the ones of history or biology. This subject needs a lot of practical knowledge and understanding, you may always try to look for the logic and practical reasons behind it. The chapters of accounts are interrelated, you may find the same concept in chapters 2 and 7. So you do not leave any concept and go forward in order.

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Make sure that you do not miss any homework and make all the efforts to complete it. Only practice is the key to ace in a subject like accounting. Working on your homework problems may teach you the concepts. It would be better if you understand that if you can’t work on your problems without referring to the textbook you should practice more as you are not yet ready for your next exam. In simpler words, it means that you shall be able to solve the problems without keeping the formula chart in front of you.


Thus, tertiary sector provides useful services to the other two sectors. Include remuneration given in the form of cash to employees on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. It includes allowances, such as conveyance allowance, bonuses, commissions, rent-free accommodation, loans on low interest rates, and medical and educational expenses. Taking the sum of NVAfc of all the industrial sectors of the economy.

This method considers consumption, investments, net export, and government Expenditure to calculate a nation’s annual GDP. Conversion of national income at current into constant price can be done using price index. Estimate net factor income from abroad to arrive at national income.

This sector includes all production units which produce goods by exploiting natural resources. These include resources like water, forests, agricultural land, coal, iron ore and other minerals, etc. Thus, this sector consists of man’s primary occupations such as farming, fishing, mining, etc. This sector supplies basic raw material to secondary sector. Refers to the amount of money earned by the owner of a production unit for his/her entrepreneurial abilities.

Includes expenditure incurred by households and expenditure incurred by private non-profit institutions serving households . Thus, PFCE is divided into two parts, namely Household’s Final Consumption Expenditure and PNPISH Final Consumption Expenditure (PNPISH-FCE). Excluding the income arising from sale of financial assets, such as shares and debentures.

Non-inclusion of these will lead to underestimation of national income. The expenditure method is a gross domestic product measurement scheme, which incorporates consumption, production, government spending, and net exports. Income method, also known as factor income method, is used to calculate all income accrued to the basic factors of production used in producing national product.

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