Tips for Staying Sober on Vacation Addiction Recovery TX Rehab

You need to maintain your addiction recovery, even while on vacation. Vacations should give recovering alcoholics and addicts a break from our routine, but not our addiction recovery. Maintaining a program of addiction recovery while vacationing is crucial for physical and psychological sobriety. For many people, summer is all about traveling—whether they’re visiting family and friends or simply exploring the world.

vacationing in recovery

Whenever possible now we build in a day off when we return home. It will make you feel much less harried and unprepared. The best thing you can do for yourself when returning home is detoxing from all the rich foods and carbs you’ve probably been eating.

Tips for Staying Sober on Vacation

Prepare for sleep by packing earplugs, natural sleep aids, chamomile tea, a sleep mask, and a light blanket in your carry-on bag. Try to wake up and go to sleep at normal times, and if you’re in a new time zone, try to soak up the sun to help your circadian rhythm adjust. Before you even book a flight, visualize yourself enjoying the trip without substances. Ask yourself what you hope to gain from your experience.

examples of being powerless over alcohol

Think of the healthy coping habits you’ve developed while you’ve been in recovery and make sure you have a plan on how to implement these on your trip. If you are vacationing somewhere with sand and sunshine, you are guaranteed to be presented with the temptation of drinking during your beach and poolside leisure. The locals may present various opportunities for drug use that might be considered novel. That being said, tropical places have a lot more to offer than drug and alcohol indulgence. Instead of a lazy booze cruise, plan adventurous activities such as jet skiing, scuba diving, snorkeling, or wakeboarding. Avoid places of heightened opportunity for failures, such as beach bars and nightclubs.

Change Your Definition of a Vacation

Have food and drinks on hand wherever you are, so that your natural body rhythms don’t talk your mind into thinking you want something that you don’t. If you’ve always wanted to see the Vatican, get the lay of the Sleeping Bear Dunes or sit quietly on the banks of Loch Ness, now is the time to repair brain function and live in the moment. And with a clear head, excellent balance, and stamina the experience can be greatly enhanced. You will actually read the plaques in the visitor center, lead the charge up 320 Vatican steps and research Nessie sightings before you arrive in the Highlands.

From excursions to cruises, you can see the world, hike a trail, and explore hidden destinations with a tour group in recovery. Some feature resorts offer recovery meetings on-site and allow you to easily work with the front desk staff to book excursions that are not only fun but alcohol-free. Other options may include destinations surrounded by beautiful nature to practice mindfulness, yoga, or to reconnect with your inner self at a wellness retreat.

Don’t Give Up

It is also important to remember that your support network is just a phone call or text away. Your days might be chock-full of experiences that can leave you feeling exhilarated and exhausted. It is important to make sure that you don’t skimp on your self-care. Be sure to eat right, get adequate sleep and find some quiet time to check out and recharge. It’s a great idea to stay active, but don’t get so busy that you don’t have time to take care of yourself. If necessary, schedule self-care right into your vacation plans.

  • Here, the team from Waypoint Recovery Center’s South Carolina residential addiction treatment program share some vacation tips to help you plan your next adventure.
  • At the same time, increase the amount of water you drink.
  • If you are interested in traveling sober, there are many resources available to help make your journey as easy and enjoyable as possible.
  • Vacations should give recovering alcoholics and addicts a break from our routine, but not our addiction recovery.
  • Exercise releases endorphins that boost your mood, so it’s smart to find ways to work physical activity into your trip.

Remember to pack a mask (just in case), review any possible restrictions/regulations in your vacation destination, and join the dance of life. We get up refreshed, early and ready to experience the day. Since 2020 we have certainly learned to live in the moment, curious and passionate about our interests. And we are unencumbered by the need to pack or find our substance of use on a remote island, backwoods village, or camelback excursion. We have done the kind of inner searching that illuminates what we want out of life. When going on a trip, you may feel that you are leaving any stressors or struggles behind you.

The Three Acts of Art Therapy for Mental Health

If you need assistance finding a meeting near you, please call our addiction treatment center at any time. A staycation is a perfect way to strengthen your recovery by planning safe activities with people who are supportive of your recovery and who enrich your mind and spirit. Gather a small group of friends and take a walk on the beach, a fun day of biking, or get together for coffee and a chat.

How long do you have to stay in recovery?

Generally speaking, at least 90 days in treatment is recommended. There is no “magic” number however, as treatment and recovery are highly individual. While one person may be ready to reenter society after three months, another may benefit from a longer stay.

The best sober vacations renew the mind, body and spirit and there are so many options for a retreat vacation from eco-friendly to luxury. And many spas do not serve alcohol and have 12-step meetings on site. This doesn’t mean you have to stay home and study the big book. And a summer vacation can be just what the doctor/addiction therapist ordered. It does mean, however; that you should plan for triggers to relapse and create a schedule for the time you will be away. You should also consider your destination and vacation partners carefully.

For instance, if you make a grocery list for your return, make sure it includes what you’ll need for your detox diet. If you or someone you love struggles with addiction to alcohol or drugs, we can help. Call and speak to a caring professional at Anabranch Recovery Center in Terre Haute, Indiana. We will put your mind at ease and help you decide what level of care will work best for you.

“Get your next vacation on the books right then,” Ballard says. The latter type of happiness tends to bring us joy in a deeper way, but it’s not necessarily as fun and carefree in the way that vacations and shorter-term pleasures are, she says. These 5 ways to recover and detox from your vacation seems simple to implement, but often they are harder to maintain than you think.

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

Preparing yourself mentally to take on these challenges can help mitigate the levels of stress or triggers that may come with stress. Just try to remember to breathe, take these surprises with a calm and positive attitude, and remember to bring your earplugs, pillow, and eye mask. The sensations of hunger and thirst can heighten a craving for drugs or alcohol.

vacationing in recovery

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